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Worlds apart and on the run, star-crossed lovers Alaric and Elysia dive into their darkest night of the soul for a second chance at saving Atlantis and their happily ever after. Atlantis Splitting, sequel to Atlantis Writhing, finds the soulmates facing their personal demons in order to overcome the evil toppling their mysterious ancient empire. Yet with the Highest Light fellowship split and scattered, a Dark Heart queen emerges – one whose otherworldly magic powers are poised to overthrow a king playing all sides against his madness.
The Highest Light series is the gateway to romantasy. It has everything an epic romantasy needs without being 800+ pages per book or too much world-building. The world is robust and well-described but is easier to access for those less into that side of fantasy. It is also low on spice, so if you want to dip your toes into spicy books, this is a great starting point.
I absolutely loved the Eastern cultural elements and found myself wanting deeper descriptions. I have a basic understanding of chakras, energies, etc., and what is needed for the story is described, but there is an opportunity here to go deeper. I honestly could have read the 800+ page version of this book and may have actually bumped this up to 5 stars with more fantasy and more spicy romance.
The ability to sense vibrations/energies made certain plot points go by too quickly. The characters' inability to keep secrets from themselves or others is a tricky ability to work with, so kudos to Brannon for pulling it off. I did want a lot more conflict with each character though.
Read this series if you're looking to explore the romantasy trend! The fantasy and romance elements are well-balanced with an accessible world for everyone.
Thank you LibraryThing for a copy of this book. I can't wait to read the next installment of the series!
Dates read: Mar 10, 2024 - Mar 17, 2024